Pravda Daily

Pravda Daily - logo
Contact: Petr Šabata Editor in Chief
Telephone: 421 (0) 2 4959 6601
Frequency: Daily


Denník Pravda PEREX a s, Trnavská cesta 39/A, 831 04 Bratislava, Slovakia
421 (0) 2 4959 6111
421 (0) 2 4959 6281

Pravda Daily - logoPravda Daily arose after 1989 by a transition from the most-read Communist daily in Slovakia and it is also considered to be one of the Slovak influential broadsheet journals. The daily brings the latest news from Slovakia and from abroad, analyses the political and economic issues, and brings information from different areas of social life. Pravda sport news was long regarded as the most professional among newspapers. Since 1989 the biggest change in the issuance of this newspaper was the change of format. Since 18 November 2008 the daily has changed the “Berliner” format to full-colour tabloid format.
