Komárno Fortress
Komárňanská pevnosť

Street address: Okružná cesta, 945 01 Komárno, Slovakia
Mailing address: Odbor školstva a kultúry, Mestský úrad Komárno, Námestie generála Klapku 1, 945 01 Komárno, Slovakia
Telephone: 421 (0) 35 770 1754
Fax: 421 (0) 35 770 2703
E-mail: primator@komarno.sk
Website: http://www.komarno.sk
Proprietor: Komárno Municipal Government - Education and Culture Directorate
Contact: Head
E-mail: grafel@komarno.sk
Opening hours: Individual visits are not allowed! Guided tours start: Tue-Fri at 9am, 11am and 2pm, Sat-Sun: groups contact in advance! Mo: closed
Komárno Fortress was the first bastion-fortified structure in inland Europe and in its day the largest and most sophisticated fortified structure in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Situated at the crossing of the trade routes by the confluence of the Vah and Danube Rivers, it was constructed between 1546 and 1557 on the ruins of the 13th-century Komárno Castle as part of the anti-Turk defensive system, probably according to the ideas of Italian fortification specialist P Ferrabosco. After several reconstructions it got its final design in 1592. Its massive fortification system featured earthwork construction reinforced with brick covering and had two corner bastions in the line facing the town. The entry was located between the two bastions through the Ferdinand Gate and was protected by a moat.
The Roman Lapidarium Exhibition is installed in Bastion No 6 and consists of Roman stonework and sculptures.